OCFS ESW 1979 - Part 2  

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Author: AF IV   Date: 3/26/2024 6:38:32 AM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

jsc that actually the 78 ES weekend. I believe this picture probably is also 78. I remember it well because as you said it was a pretty good one for us even though we didn't win the 200. Basically Gary Balough won the Syracuse race and went back to Florida to tend to his other occupation. He said he would be back to be Billy O's teammate on Eastern States weekend but when Modified warmups were called we still hadn't seen him. At this point my father told me to warm up Balough's car hoping he would soon be there. This really wasn't a big deal because I had warmed up the Modified for Billy O a few Saturday nights when he was late getting there. As most know Gary never did show and it just seemed like the thing to do was for me to drive his car in the heat. This is where the stars started to align because I ended up winning the heat along with my Sportsman heat and Feature that day. The rest doesn't go as well because I dropped out leading the Eastern States 200 on Sunday a little before halfway. Billy dropped out shortly after that. The Cinderella story was cut short. Thanks for remembering it though because it really is a great memory. 

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OCFS ESW 1979 - Part 2 carguyspm 3/24/2024 9:04:34 AM