Exactly Kevin!  

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Author: AF IV   Date: 3/26/2024 6:38:35 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

So true Kev. I think what helped me is we really thought Gary would show to at least be in the consi. Because of that I felt very little pressure because I was just keeping the seat warm for him to come in and save the day. Even after winning the Modified heat it hadn't hit me because I had my Sportsman to think about and I really wanted to win the 50 lapper Saturday night because I had it won the year before but made a rookie mistake. I can say though when I went home Saturday night the reality of what would take place Sunday was starting to hit me.

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OCFS ESW 1979 - Part 2 carguyspm 3/24/2024 9:04:34 AM