Wall Wednesdays
Author: Walt Stadium Date:
11/6/2024 6:11:44 PM |
Wall Wednesdays brought to you by your friends here at The Vault, with a reminder to please consider supporting this year's Matheny Christmas Party by reaching out in any of the following ways: Checks or gift cards can be sent to: RJC Charities 70 Albert Drive Parlin, NJ, 08859 Attn: Bob Caramella (Please Note: Matheny School Party in the memo line.) (RJC will return a tax exempt voucher to you if requested - (Please provide a mailing address where to send the voucher.) ------------------------------------
Donations via Paypal can be made through a link on the RJC Charities Website: http://www.rjccharities.com/Blank.html (RJC will return a tax exempt voucher to you if requested - (Please provide a mailing address where to send the voucher.) --------------------------------------
Checks or gift cards to be used for the purchase of gifts for the students can also be mailed to: Kevin Eyres 144 Mercer Rd Colts Neck, NJ 07722 -----------------------------------
Comments welcome, and thank you to those who have already shown their support, and thank you in advance to those who will be reaching out in supporting this year's Matheny Christmas Party!
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Wall Wednesdays
Walt Stadium 11/6/2024 6:11:44 PM