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Wasn't Fast, Wasn't Planned, But it was Fun

Wasn't Fast, Wasn't Planned, But it was Fun  

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Author: John Springsteel   Date: 11/13/2024 8:48:26 AM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

When I was 18 it was a thrill to drive a demo derby on and off the track at Wall. Then parking on the infield at Pocono, you entered the track and drove a bit on the back stretch before entering the infield. I thought that was so cool. Then doing my driving experience at charolette, me, my wife and son helped dry the track in our 99 Corolla. Must have done 40 laps at 80mph. Also, got to drive one of my Beetles around Wall on their old cruise nights. I wouldn’t say most were driving slow. 

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Wasn't Fast, Wasn't Planned, But it was Fun SpeedRacer 11/12/2024 12:02:26 PM