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This Weekend's Question: Your First Street Car

This Weekend's Question: Your First Street Car  

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Author: 3-Wide   Date: 11/16/2024 2:00:09 PM   

I think we might have done this a billion years ago, but we've got a few new faces around here these days, so thought it would be worth a shot at asking again:

What was your first street car and/or the first car you drove to high school?

Year, make, model, engine, color... anything you did to soup it up or just to look cool... How much it cost, other???

I almost hate to ask, but if you want to include it.... let us know what happened to it.

For those who also raced, if you want, in addition to your first street car, let us know the very first race car you ever competed in (type of car), did you build it or buy it?, where/when did you race it?  And.... what happened to it once you were done with it?

I don't want to make it too complicated, so let us know how much, or how little info you want, and if you have a picture and can figure out how to add it to your post, go ahead and add it (and I'll adjust it if it needs it.)

Thanks, and I hope all have a nice November weekend.

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This Weekend's Question: Your First Street Car 3-Wide 11/16/2024 2:00:09 PM