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This Weekend's Question: Your First Street Car

This Weekend's Question: Your First Street Car  

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Author: elf30   Date: 11/16/2024 3:17:49 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

First car was a 67 chevelle, 2 door 3on the tree when I was 15. A younger friend of mine(who will remain nameless) was playing race car driver in it, left it in neutral, emergency brake off and it rolled down the driveway and into a big maple tree. Ended up giving to Bruce Kline for parts.First on the road car was a 75 Vega gt wagon. Did that one in on my 18th birthday.

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This Weekend's Question: Your First Street Car 3-Wide 11/16/2024 2:00:09 PM