So let me ask this.....  

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Author: ARRA Research   Date: 11/20/2024 10:14:29 PM   

Its very common these days to see our Northeast modifieds with their tires wrapped in plastic. Obviously, to avoid contaminants. We are all aware of the multiple incidents of drivers being accused of soaking or somehow treating their tires in the past. Back then, I'm talking about our modifieds, tires weren't "wrapped" ... inviting contamination, either possibly somehow back at the shop or moving through the pits. My question is - now that tires are commonly wrapped, has it made the accusations or incidents of suspicion of tire tampering drop significantly? And if so, would it be safe to assume that those caught up in "tampering" DQ's or at least accusations of same in the past, possibly be now assumed to have just been victims of accidental contamination? And one last thing, even if it WAS incidental contamination, what is preventing it happening even currently because the cars are not entering the features just after having the plastic wrap taken off at the track entrance. They are still traveling through the pits to get to the track for the feature? Opinions/thoughts?

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So let me ask this..... ARRA Research 11/20/2024 10:14:29 PM