Thank You - 2024 Christmas Party
Author: 3-Wide Date:
12/22/2024 7:24:10 PM
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Kevin mentioned it takes a group... Here's a few that were there to lend a hand:
Some of the drivers (past & present) that were there yesterday to lend their support were Sammy Beavers, Roger Laureno, Kenny Laureno,Tony Ferrante, Billy Pauch Jr., Mike Mahaney, Christopher Buffalino, Jess Buffalino, Bill Humphries, Glenn Sullivan, and more . Great to see Ace Lane Jr there (check out Ace's gold jacket), as Ace and Sammy were the genesis for the very first event (Sammy said it all began in 1968!) Thank you to everyone that were able to attend this year's party. A special thank you to the 3 Widers out there that were able to help out this year with donation and/or with attending this year's party. It's a big reason why we still do what we do around here. As you can see from Kevin's earlier post, he's already planning next year's event!
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Thank You!
kjeyres 12/22/2024 10:31:43 AM