Racing-related Christmas memory
Author: Greg Collins Date:
12/24/2024 8:08:37 AM |
As Christmas 1968 approached I asked my parents for a subscription to Area Auto Racing News. I had been prepared to give them the money for a year-long subscription (I believe it was $7.75) but was hoping that “Santa” would come through for me. At some point in December, to be sure that my gift request was in process, I took the liberty of discreetly taking a look at their checkbook register. And there it was, an entry that a check had been issued to AARN! But I couldn’t wait until Christmas morning to read the first paper so some discrete snooping brought me to a dresser drawer in my parents’ bedroom that contained a small (unwrapped) box that contained the issue. I did a quick look through the pages then carefully replaced it. Christmas morning I gleefully opened the wrapped box and thanked them. That same scenario played out for the next several years. And I don’t recall ever telling my parents about my pre-Christmas snooping! Any racing-related Christmas memories that you have, fellow 3Widers?
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Racing-related Christmas memory
Greg Collins 12/24/2024 8:08:37 AM