Annual ARRA Audit Reveals over 800 subjects now available!
Author: ARRA Research Date:
12/26/2024 8:07:05 PM |
Part of the annual audit of the ARRA, Auto Racing Research Associates website is to take count of the amount of different subjects that are featured on the always growing website of auto racing statistics and facts. That being said...as of today, the website feartures 171 different tracks.....154 different drivers....92 different auto racing series' and organizations.....34 points of interest and odds and ends and with the inclusion of historian Guy Smith's special feature that covers the careers of, currently, 353 different drivers who have obtained a lofty level of competition, that brings the total count of different racing subjects to, as of today.....804 subjects!
Wow...has this thing grown from way back in the early to mid 90's when myself and fellow ARRA Co-Founder Bill Braga Jr. decided to collaborate on researching area auto racing drivers. Its mind boggling!

https://sites.google.com/site/arradocumentingracinghistory/ >
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Annual ARRA Audit Reveals over 800 subjects now available!
ARRA Research 12/26/2024 8:07:05 PM