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Author: Pee Wee Fan   Date: 12/27/2024 12:00:18 AM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

The number, or age "12" is the basis of my "sneaking into the races" story.  Back in the late 50s into the 60s, stock car racing was a family affair.  My Uncle Clyde Kelly owned hot rods driven by his brother in law (also my uncle) Mel Ely, while my dad Carl lettered and worked on the cars.  Frequently, my Mom would take myself and my cousin Buck Kelly into the stands at Old Bridge.  In 1962, I looked younger than my age while Buck looked older.  He was even starting to shave!  My Mom had no trouble passing me off as "12 or younger" while she constantly was being denied the "kids under 12 free" for Buck. This was not without a strong argument from my mom.  In reality, it was a wash, but my Mom never saw it that way, Buck was UNDER 12!  Me on the other hand......  

Scott Ely

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This Weekend's Question: "Sneaking into the Races" 3-Wide 12/27/2024 8:50:42 PM