This Weekend's Question:
Author: D.Wolfe-358. Date:
12/27/2024 2:15:23 PM
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Like others mentioned, I passed for 12 for a few years at Flemington before finally paying full admission. That was one advantage of looking young at the time. I got into the pits once at Syracuse during Super Dirt Week without a pit pass in 1978 or 1979. Back then a group of people walked past security at the same time. I don't remember if they were overwhelmed or just lazy. Things were different in the following years. Plus the Grandstands offered the best views. On a rare occasion, my friend's father had a motorhome with at least one hiding place. When you take down the table to eat if converted into a spot to sleep or hide. He did not allow it too often, but once in a while someone may or may not have got in for free.
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This Weekend's Question: "Sneaking into the Races"
3-Wide 12/27/2024 8:50:42 PM