Here's the deal on Will  

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Author: Fred Voorhees   Date: 12/27/2024 11:38:13 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Joe, Wills research has been ongoing for years to be honest. Both myself and the late Bill Hannah had gotten well into it, but Will was.....and still is supposedly working on a book about his racing career. Why he hasn't gotten it done OR had it written is another story and I will keep my opinion to myself. But I kinda told Will that out of respect for his wishes, I would not finish or publish his career win list before he put his book out so that it would "debut" in his book. However, it has been soooooooooo long and Will is not much closer to getting the book in print...or I'm not even sure its been written yet. The entire project has been turned over to historian Tom Schmeh and is currently on hold until Tom gets around to it.

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