This Weekend's Question:
Author: SteveWhitney Date:
12/28/2024 8:21:00 AM
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I was always trying to get in the pits with my friend Wayne Laucius when he ran his TQ. Unfortunately, I was 16 and looked like I was 12 or 13. I was kicked out of the pits at the Atlantic City Convention Center and Flemington for being under age. What really burned my butt was that Bob Cicconi's brothers were in the pits and they were younger than me! Speaking of that, do any of you who are not yet retired notice how a lot of the young guys and gals at work look like they are 13? The older I get, the more 13 year old college grads there seem to be!
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This Weekend's Question: "Sneaking into the Races"
3-Wide 12/27/2024 8:50:42 PM