This Weekend's Question:
Author: Caddy Daddy Date:
12/28/2024 9:43:19 AM
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Raceway Park. Guess I must have been around 12 which would put this in the 1970 time frame. Our method would only work for night races. The approach from Pension Road to the admission gates had a fence and thick woods next to the track shutdown area. A couple of us would walk up the approach road and go over or under the fence. Once in the woods, we could get pretty close to the track. Now, we were beyond the finish line but could clearly hear the announcers and watch everyone throttle down. Bonus was that back in those days, most blower explosions happened in the traps so we had a front row seat for the fireworks!
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This Weekend's Question: "Sneaking into the Races"
3-Wide 12/27/2024 8:50:42 PM