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Add'em Up Trivia Challenge

Add'em Up Trivia Challenge  

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Author: 3-Wide   Date: 1/2/2025 3:30:48 PM   

OK.... I'm letting you know that on a scale of 1 - 10... this one is up there on the difficulty scale, so if you did any celebrating last night for the New Year, you might want to pass on this one for now....

"Add'em Up Trivia....

This one is really aimed at the East Windsor/Flemington fans from the 60's/early 70's....  and like I said, it's not easy....  Here's how to do it...

Look at the images below, and so that many folks have a chance to play along (aka challenge their memories), we need you to figure out the missing car # for each... and then add the #'s together and let us know what the TOTAL is.

(As you can see... the #'s have been removed, along with some of the lettering in some cases to make it even more challenging....)

Remember:  Please add up the #'s that you think belong on each, and answer with one total #.

Here they are:

So...  If you add all of the above car #'s together, what is the total?

Have fun, and Happy New Year!

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Add'em Up Trivia Challenge 3-Wide 1/2/2025 3:30:48 PM