This Weekend's Question: The Second Time Around....  

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Author: 3-Wide   Date: 1/11/2025 10:39:14 PM   

This weekend's question (suggested by Pee Wee Fan):

Name a race car that had some level of success with one owner, (provide car info/#, color, car owner, etc.,) that was then sold to another owner, who also had some level of success with the same car.  (Car may have retained its original look, or may of had a new paint job..and/or a different #... and/or a different driver... and maybe even a different body, but was really the same car as that owned by the original owner.

(By "success" we're loosely defining it as a car that possibly had feature wins in both versions/for both the old owner/team, and the new owner/team.)

1st Time Around:  Original car/owner (#, color, car, driver) ____________________________

2nd Time Around:  (#, color, car, driver) ________________________________

If needed (to help more of us remember), let us know the track(s) the car competed at.  Also, if there was a "3rd Time Around".... or even a "4th Time Around," please provide that info as well!

Thanks, and have fun thinking of a few examples...

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This Weekend's Question: The Second Time Around.... 3-Wide 1/11/2025 10:39:14 PM