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Author: wallneewvet   Date: 12/8/2021 8:12:59 AM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

i 'm 68 years old born in1953-my parents generation  was ABSOLUTELY the greatest generation coming through a depression & world war--a lot of our "baby boomer" generation had it it prettty easy compared to the generation before us-

young people today ( my kid's generation) have not a clue about that era---japan & germany are 

our allies now ; and they don't emphasize the history in schools anymore , as far as i can see--

be grateful for all we have because of that "greatest generation" !!

blessings !! -

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December 7, 1941 45yrwallmodfan 12/7/2021 10:04:50 AM