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The Trend Contiues

The Trend Contiues  

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Author: AF IV   Date: 9/22/2023 1:11:28 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

We've talked about it a few times on this forum. The stand alone car owner will continue to go away in Modified racing.

I don't know Mr. Hyneman but I of course know of his success as a top car owner. In the article he mentions he was lucky to have the top drivers he had. Those top drivers were also lucky to drive for an owner who would supply the top equipment and devotion it takes to be on top and stay there. I congratulate as well as thank him for making our sport better. I only caution him one thing, make sure you want to do this. The day my father woke up no longer the car owner it left a hole in his heart because it really gets in your blood. 

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126 buddhavb 9/20/2023 8:16:45 PM
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