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Remembering the Phillipsburg Mall Show

Remembering the Phillipsburg Mall Show  

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Author: Lenny Swider   Date: 4/23/2024 10:14:09 AM   

 The saying ( All good things come to an end) definitely applies here. I recently drove past the old Phillipsburg mall and noticed some action toward tearing it down. Not sure why it's taking so long. But it definitely stirred up some old feelings of the winter race car shows held there. It was the prelude to every oncoming race season where you got to see the new cars and their paint schemes, some old vintage cars and a lot of bench racing. There were organizations that did guest speaking sessions, vendors selling pictures and memorabilia. It was the place to be every winter. Here's a few pictures of the mall now and some old pictures from shows past. Feel free to include any pictures that you might have. I've tried to include some with a few 3widers in them. Enjoy

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Remembering the Phillipsburg Mall Show Lenny Swider 4/23/2024 10:14:09 AM