"The Natural" Dale Planck the latest to join ARRA researched drivers  

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Author: ARRA Research   Date: 11/7/2023 3:58:30 PM   

Homer, NY's Dale "The Natural" Planck is the latest driver to become a member of the list of drivers that have had their driving careers researched and documented for racing fans, media and track personnel to use for entertainment, factual research or public comment.  During his career behind the wheel, Planck was a force to be reckoned with on the tough Brewerton/Fulton/Utica-Rome speedway small block circuit!  He eventually garnered a NASCAR regional championship through his dominant driving success.  Welcome to Dale Planck to the ARRA Research list of accomplished drivers having their career documented!



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"The Natural" Dale Planck the latest to join ARRA researched drivers ARRA Research 11/7/2023 3:58:30 PM