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Author: Kevin Mc   Date: 11/9/2023 9:09:29 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I wrote that thinking specifically of Nick Leach and Pete Wortman at NES. They had their finger on the pulse of the pit area and had lots of talking points available throughout the night because they wandered thru the pits when teams were showing up and unloading long before hot laps.
Phil Martelli was the announcer when I was at Grays Harbor in Washington and he too was in the pits every week talking to drivers. He literally had a file for each of the four divisions that raced there and had a file for each driver. No shortage of material to bring up during the show.
Much better than playing Sweet Home Alabama during the downtime and rattling off names and numbers before each race
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Announcers kjeyres 11/6/2023 2:53:41 PM