Listen In to WBCB's "Wide Open" Wednesday 5pm - 6pm  

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Author: 3-Wide   Date: 11/20/2024 10:51:07 AM   

"Wide Open" is a WBCB 1490 AM radio/internet show that is broadcasted live on Wednesday from 5pm - 6pm, with hosts Nick Leach and Fred Fletcher.  

I'm hearing that there might be a familiar voice on tonight's show...  As they say in the business, "Stay Tuned".... or in this case, tune in at 5pm!

To listen, open the link below and then click on "Listen Live" in the upper right:

Wide Open with Nick Leach & Fred Fletcher

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Listen In to WBCB's "Wide Open" Wednesday 5pm - 6pm 3-Wide 11/20/2024 10:51:07 AM