So let me ask this.....
Author: dnoldschool34 Date:
11/21/2024 1:24:30 PM
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I would grind off the compound numbers on my tires and cover them with black silicone when I ran micros and quarter midgets. Also covered the right rear and that drove people crazy. Another deal was I would take a gear and change it after warmups and clean it off and put it in the box and then take the same gear out and put it back in and watch everyone come over and ask me what I was doing and I give them some bs and watch them go and change their gears . I had a lot of double sets of gears so I would leave the gear I took out and leave it on the trailer and hit the same gear in and walk away and watch the guys come over and look at it after they tried to look at my tires . Man they were fun times. |
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So let me ask this.....
ARRA Research 11/20/2024 10:14:29 PM