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Your brush with a famous person.

Your brush with a famous person.  

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Author: kevvan   Date: 10/26/2022 7:58:57 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

We were on our honeymoon and eating at a hot-pot place when Wolfgang Jack came in and sat at the table next to us.  I remember he had on this huge cowboy hat with feathers and this glitzy vest over a button-up shirt.  It was cool to hear his unmistakable laugh coming from the table next to us as he was cutting up with his friends while eating dinner.

I went to see an indy race at Nazareth, and while wandering around the infield walked up some steps that were somewhere near pit road.  I decided I didn't want to go that way and did an about-face and physically went chest-to-chest with Roger Penske; almost knocking him down in the process. I apologized for the gaff and he smirked at me and said that's alright.  I stepped aside and he went on his way.

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Your brush with a famous person. Lenny Swider 10/26/2022 10:40:54 AM