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Inaugural California 500 program

Inaugural California 500 program  

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Author: Opperman4x   Date: 11/26/2021 8:12:46 AM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I does bother me.  I grew up watching guys run sprint cars and midgets, and if they were good enough they would pick up a ride in a second rate Indy car [Mario Andretti, Wally Dallenbach] until he could prove himself and get a better ride.  What I am saying is you could watch his career progress.  Yes, back in the mid 60's Clark, Hill, Brabham all came for the 500, but when they left their cars were sold off and American short track drivers got the rides.  That's just my opimion, and because of that I chose not to watch any Indycar race except for the 500.  

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Inaugural California 500 program Jack Kromer 11/24/2021 7:36:01 PM