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Kenny Weld short story

Kenny Weld short story  

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Author: AF IV   Date: 1/19/2023 8:28:54 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Glad I got to know Kenny before his trouble with the law.  My father and I picked up the Torino version of the car that was the Batmobile just three days before the DEA picked him up.

His life is an interesting subject that would be interesting to any racer.

I believe he learned a lot from Don Browns knowledge of aero while he put the body on the 112.  It looks like the radiator mounted on leftside out of the wind just like the 112. It's my understanding that the headers were turned forward to induce warm air to the bottomside of the wing to create more down force (warm air flows easier which would create a neg. preasure under wing.)  The 112 used similar idea's with the radiator and headers flowing up under the top wing that looked like a roof.

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Kenny Weld short story Lenny Swider 1/18/2023 10:58:18 AM