Msg ID: 2836565 Thank You! +0/-0     
12/22/2024 10:31:43 AM

Thank You to everyone that participated in this years Matheny Christmas Party!  Through donations and student adoption, Christmas will be amazing for the students of Matheny.  

We had a great turnout of people which made the Party run as smooth as could be. A new room for the party threw us a curve ball, but we adjust and it really went well.   A lot of new people came and many of the people that have participated over the years were there. Good to see new and young people there, probably more than ever. 

Again, THANK YOU and Happy Holidays and be safe! 

Put on your calander, Saturday December 20th, 2025, 1pm.


Msg ID: 2836568 Thank You! +0/-0     
12/22/2024 10:52:29 AM

Reply to: 2836565

Photo by Jim Smith, THANK YOU JIM!  (had to piece this together because of the small room)

Msg ID: 2836572 Thank You +0/-0     
Author:Pee Wee Fan
12/22/2024 12:52:15 PM

Reply to: 2836568

Mr. Eyres-  Thank You, Your wife Nan, and all your helpers who make the Matheny Christmas Party happen!  The group shot by (I think) Jim Smith looks great and I'm sure was no easy task.  My only complaint is he got my bad side in the photo.  Good thing I was kind of hiding behind Don Wolfe!  Scott Ely 

P.S. Definitely looking forward to Dec. 20, 2025

Msg ID: 2836576 Thank You +0/-0     
12/22/2024 1:44:46 PM

Reply to: 2836572

Kevin, you deserve the Thank-You! for all your efforts each year to make the event a success!  From fundraising to getting volunteers, shopping, and, pulling the Christmas Party off. Also Thanks to your family Nan, and Allison, for supporting your yearly efforts.  

  It was great to return to the school for the Christmas Party, for the first since Pandemic! You are one of the unsung heroes in the world who gives up your time to support such an event. Thank you also goes out to all your helpers from donators, to Santa's Helpers. 

Msg ID: 2836577 Thank You +0/-0     
12/22/2024 2:00:23 PM

Reply to: 2836576

It’s everyone!  Takes a large, great group of people to pull it off. 

Msg ID: 2836582 Thank You - 2024 Christmas Party +0/-0     
12/22/2024 7:24:10 PM

Reply to: 2836577

Kevin mentioned it takes a group...  Here's a few that were there to lend a hand:

Some of the drivers (past & present) that were there yesterday to lend their support were Sammy Beavers, Roger Laureno, Kenny Laureno,Tony Ferrante, Billy Pauch Jr., Mike Mahaney, Christopher Buffalino, Jess Buffalino, Bill Humphries, Glenn Sullivan, and more .  Great to see Ace Lane Jr there (check out Ace's gold jacket), as Ace and Sammy were the genesis for the very first event (Sammy said it all began in 1968!)

Thank you to everyone that were able to attend this year's party.  A special thank you to the 3 Widers  out there that were able to help out this year with donation and/or with attending this year's party.  It's a big reason why we still do what we do around here.  

As you can see from Kevin's earlier post, he's already planning next year's event!

Msg ID: 2836586 Thank You - 2024 Christmas Party +0/-0     
12/23/2024 8:46:46 AM

Reply to: 2836582

This tells it all !  Santa....Tom Brophy was amazing!

Great having the "reason" we are at Matheny every year, Sammy and Peggy Beavers.

Everyone had dibbs on that coat, the great Ace Lane was styling!

Ara leading us to Jingle bells accompanied by Neal Wilt.

Joe Luckas and Bill Baumann scoring the Party.

Pee Wee fan Scott Ely and Don Wolfe helping Santa

3 Wides himself sporting the winter look. Thanks Joe for all you do!

Bill Humphries and Tommy Lane bringing cheer

Barbara Kuhlman and her favorite little girl, Camille!

Mrs. Mckinney (Bonnie Laureno) and the Laureno family garnered co-rookies of the year.

Jason Hearne (12 fame) and his beautiful daughter, her twin brother was with Mom that day.

Jess and Christopher Buffalino. Watch Christopher in the Sportman division this year, rising star!

Tony Ferrante Jr and his friend Melvin.  Tony has provided gifts for Melvin for 38 years!

The Pauch and Mahaney family. They were co-rookies of the year. They did an amazing job and Billy Jr. already has some neat ideas to help promote the Party for next year!  Stay tuned. 

Msg ID: 2836587 Thank You! +0/-0     
Author:Barbara Kuhlman
12/23/2024 8:58:06 AM

Reply to: 2836568

It was such a wonderful day.  Kudos to Kevin, Nan, Allison & everyone who puts this together, not to mention all who take time out of their lives to make it special for others. The spirit of Christmas lives on in our Matheny Christmas family for sure. Was great to catch up with friends I haven't seen since the last party. Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah to everyone...and peace on Earth for all.
