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Not real sure why the above two posts became part of this thread, but from all the information that has been made available, there is absolutely no discussion about "undercover porting"/other being offered as even a possibility for the disqualification, and it seems a little irresponsible to throw that subject into this discussion without clarifying that has not been alledged by anyone, but that's how message boards sometimes go....

Being a little confused by the last 2 posts, I reached out to the two engine building/high performance folks that I sited in my original post above with the Subject Line "Head Case", and both said that if they were given a set of heads to inspect, with the charge "determine if these heads have been altered", that such "undercover porting" could be detected even if acid coated to provide a rough finish to appear as if not tampered with.

I would invite anyone who is trying to confuse all things that one could do if they wanted to build an illegal "anything" with the very specific information that has been provided to date by New Egypt Speedway and via Billy Pauch Jr's Facebook page for the reason for New Egypt Speedway made their decision that the heads that were protested on 9/4 were altered.

If you want, feel free to start a new thread discussing all the things that are possible that one could do to an engine... to heads... to carburetors.... to intakes... to the chassis... to the fuel.... and so on, but don't piss in the middle of a thread that is trying to stick with the specifics about the reason why this disqualification happened.