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If you can't make a point without calling someone out on the board, then don't post.

You are 100% welcome to tell us your point of view, but do so without it attacking someone else. 

It's easy...  Maybe start with, "Here's my thoughts on the subject...", and continue typing.  Don't tell people that its stupid to draw a conclusion that's different than yours (I deleted that part so no need to go back and look for it.)  Just tell us what you think and folks can determine who they agree with, or not, or most likely, they'll agree with a little of each/disagree with some too.

If you want to site a specific point made by somebody else, mention the point, and then provide your thoughts/info as to why you have a different opinion, and/or provide the information as to why you feel differently.  That's all great, as long as it doesn't become more of a personnal confrontation with another poster.

You mention Larry McReynolds, info provided on programs that many of us don't watch/listen too.  That's great stuff, but not when it is offered as ammunition as to why someone else post/comments shouldn't be considered.  If you've got better data/better inside info, all the more reason why that'll be good enough, without the personal jabs.

I don't have time to be a f'n referee and really have no patience for it as you can probably tell.  I know confrontation is good for site traffic, and that's how many social media platforms exist, but as I've said in the past, I don't care if there's only 3 people left on this board when I finally shut the lights off, as long as all 3 of us are still talking about racing, and all 3 are still all getting along (and remembering to embed when posting pictures!) Smile

I like the info you provided about concussions/safety, and also know that you have contributed to discussions in the past that have added to our board here, but just let us know what you think by providing the info related to the story, and know that the rest of us are smart enough to decide what makes sense.

As for what people like about racing and what they don't, I'm fine with folks providing either side (good/bad) if it is what they feel, and if they can do so without it being directed to those who disagree with the undercurrent that the author of a previous post must be stupid because they don't see things exactly as they do.