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I ran into Bobby and Judy Allison at the North Turn Restaurant near Daytona in 2010. I was there to look at the old photos. They were paying their bill. I was star struck. I asked if I could get a picture with him and he nodded at his wife and said " I will if it's okay with her." She nodded he said "she says its ok" and smiled and I got a nice shot with him. Such a nice man. The picture is framed and hangs on my bedroom wall. I had a couple chats with Ray Evernham at East Lincoln Speedway here in NC. Just two gentlemen talking about Wall Stadium. Pretty cool moments. When I lived in Columbia, SC I worked part time for a security company. We did crowd control at concerts, football games etc. One night I had to keep unauthorized people out backstage at a Kenny Chesney concert. Nothing was going on back there. Some dude was walking back and forth playing Led Zeppelin songs on an acoustic guitar. I told him it sounded good and he started playing name that tune with me. I talked about parties in the woods with those old classics blasting away back in my younger days. Just two guys talking music. I assumed he was a roadie killing time. An hour later he walks by with some knockout and surrounded by security. I was very confused. I did a little research and learned I was shooting the bull for several minutes with Jake Owen who had multiple number one hits on the country charts. He played right before Kenny Chesney. I dont listen to "new country " but I still thought it was cool. I believe he enjoyed it because it was obvious I had no idea who he was