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New Egypt as a Fan in the stands

What I liked - Good field of Mass 305 sprints, Modifieds, and Crates. The heat races were entertaining. 4 bangers were not bad however not enough Factory Stocks. The change to the track was a big improvement over the prior shape. Nice dark clay and no dust. Carber was hooked up with the 305's. Bouc was lucky he passed Pauch Jr. with about 3 to go just a few laps before the leader broke, given Bouc the Win. Godown was in a bad heat wreck and dragged out the backup car. He had a respectable finish for starting in the back. Kenny Laureno won his heat but dropped out early in the feature.

What I like to see improved - Waiving Checkered Flags and caution at the same time. To only decided to make a  restart to finish the race.  Grasso & Gowdown tangled, with Ryan ending up on his roof. Both cars suffered heavy damage forcing them to run another car later in the night. It could have been avoided except for a bad call.  Then in the 305s feature on the restart, it caused one driver to go from 5 to 7 place. 

Another area to improve was lining up the 4-cylinder feature and the track had only one car come out and wait. Plus a few minor things the show ended up over 4 hours at that point I skipped the Crate feature and left.  (These are not major issues, that can be worked on )

Going back in a month - Absolutely

Watched about 5 minutes of the Cup race with 25 laps to go, I put the news on instead.