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Give me the calm approach of Chet Christner (Usac) or Jeff Ahlum any day.  After watching three nights of Charlotte and watching the Danny Serrano Memorial on Flo, I've really heard enough. Johnny Gibson (WOO) is a great announcer and has a unique style which is fine, but than add the Late Model announcer and the Big Block announcer and hours and hours of over the top announcing and I had to mute it. The new Bridgeport guy is good, but over the top too much. Not every single thing is that exciting, but when something exciting does happen, you've already used up your excitement, kind of like crying wolf.

Watching so much Flo and DirtVision now has me in tune to the announcers, where at the track you never really hear them. I know it helps the show, but too much does not. 

Any thoughts









