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Where did you go, how was the show? Pocono

Where did you go, how was the show? Pocono  

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Author: Uncle Tom1   Date: 7/24/2023 8:30:37 PM    Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

As mentioned earlier, made the annual trek to Pocono for the truck race. What I have always enjoyed and what the track needed to turn a profit wasn't always the same thing. I always enjoyed next to nobody in the stands for practice, qualifying and the actual race for the trucks. It was always nice to stretch out wherever you wanted. This year, the Saturday crowd was as big as I've ever witnessed.....good for the track !!

  Pocono, being what it is, I can't really think of one thing that they can improve on. Everything seemed to be behind 15 mins or so all day, but no big deal as it was early in the day.

 I enjoyed the job that Dino and Earl did on the mic...kept us informed, without rambling on and on about useless crap that no one cares about. (Think any DIRT show).

Already looking forward to returning next year.

Kevin and I sat next to this hucklebuck broad that carried no less than 14 items in her bra. During one of her jaunts to the local grazing area, Kev asked her if she had enough room in that bra to fit a bag of popcorn and if so, could she kindly bring one back with her....needless to say, we're still waiting for popcorn. 

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Where did you go, how was the show? Pocono kjeyres 7/24/2023 9:58:07 AM